When donating via PayPal you will receive your donation receipt from PayPal. Please check your email inbox and spam filter for it.
When donating via E-Transfer include your name, address, and email address in the memo so that we can issue you a donation receipt at the end of the year.
Send your E-Transfer to donate@StAlbansPA.org.
Donation receipts will only be issued for donations of $20.00 or more.
When donating via CanadaHelps you will receive your donation receipt from CanadaHelps. Please check your email inbox and spam filter for it.
This is our preferred option because there are no fees involved.
You can put this in the plate on Sunday, drop it off at the Cathedral office or email it and a digital voided cheque to office@StAlbansPA.org
Pre-Authorized Giving Form 2022 (doc)
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