Becoming one with Christ.
If you or anyone you know is interested in Baptism, meet with Fr. David Butorac the 1st or 3rd Sunday of each month at the 10:30 a.m. service. Both parental figures should be in attendance.
Upcoming Baptism dates are:
September 15, 2024, January 19, 2025 & May 18, 2025
Confirming your baptismal vows.
If you or anyone you know is interested in Confirmation, meet with Fr. David Butorac the 1st or 3rd Sunday of each month at the 10:30 a.m. service.
Entering the Paradise of God.
Before you set the date: We ask all couples to begin meeting with our clergy at least 6 months prior to the date on which you intend to marry. Dates can only be reserved after an interview has taken place with a priest and the couple. In situations where one or both parties have been divorced, an application must be made to the Diocesan Matrimonial Commission for permission to marry. The application must be made at least 4 months in advance of the intended date (the processing fee is $15.00.)
Marriage Preparation: All couples to be married will receive counselling from the clergy. Couples can expect to spend four to six sessions on their preparation. Those couples who live outside Prince Albert will be asked to have their local pastor send a letter to the priest verifying that the parties are in good standing with the Church and have received adequate preparation.
Marriage License: A Provincial Marriage License is required for all weddings. These are available from most jewelers. The license must be purchased and brought to the Cathedral office at least 2 weeks prior to the wedding date. They are valid for 90 days.
Flowers and Decorations: Our Altar Guild adorns the worship space for all weddings. After consulting with the clergy, couples must meet with a member of this guild to discuss decorations. Only Altar flowers and candelabra may be placed in the Sanctuary, bows may be affixed to the pews with rubber bands only. We ask you to remove all decorations immediately after the wedding service. (NB the use of confetti, rice or rose petals is prohibited.) To arrange for your flowers and decorations, please contact St. Alban's office (306) 922-0044 at least 2 months before your wedding date.
Music: The Anglican Church stipulates that all sung music must be based on Holy Scripture or an approved Church hymnal. Couples are asked to contact the Organist, Mrs. Margaret Zulkoskey (306) 961-8612, at least 2 months before the wedding date. The Organist does not attend the rehearsal. Soloists must rehearse with the organist in advance of the wedding. Couples may make other arrangements for musical accompaniment, but the following needs to be kept in mind: All music must be discussed with the Organist and approved by the clergy 2 months prior to the date.
If another Organist is requested to play the Cathedral organ he or she must contact Mrs. Margaret Zulkoskey to see if a tutoring session is necessary. If organ tutoring is required, a fee of $30.00 will be given to Mrs. Margaret Zulkoskey. In addition: the couple will pay the Cathedral organist $200.00 if another organist is used and the Cathedral organist is available. The Cathedral organist has first refusal of weddings.
Rehearsal: The wedding rehearsal is customarily held the evening before the ceremony. All members of the bridal party, parents, readers and ushers should be present and witnesses must be 18 years of age or older.
Photographs: Because the wedding is a service of Christian worship, photographs are permitted only during the procession, signing of the register and the recession. A video camera is permissible
Fees: The fee for the use of the Cathedral is $625.00 (this includes the fee for the Cathedral Volunteer who helps the clergy, and the Organist.) Separate arrangements must be made and fees paid if you wish to use the Hall. The Organist's fee is included in the $625.00, however there will be an additional fee of $75.00 if the organist is expected to accompany a soloist, plus $20.00 per half hour rehearsal time with the soloist. If music selections must be learned or sourced there will be an additional $50.00 fee. Any additional organist's fees must be paid at the office 2 weeks prior to the wedding. Other visiting clergy should be offered an honorarium of $200.00.
Fees for the Cathedral must be paid no later than 1 month before the wedding date. Wedding dates will not be held unless fees have been paid in full. Refunds will also be applied if there is a cancellation.
Users will be held responsible for the condition of the Cathedral (and Hall if used.) Users are also liable for all damage to the property caused by themselves or by their guests and will be billed accordingly.
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